Thursday, October 20, 2005

I Belize

I know I have posted time and time again about my extreme lack of consistency in writing this blog but I will attempt to redeem myself today.

Peace in Christ from Belize! I packed up my bags in Europe and quickly moved to my new home on the island of San Pedro, Belize (with a few stops in between). I am so happy to be here! I am technically not on the island at the moment due to Hurricane Wilma, but I pray that God picks her bad-self up off the Atlantic so I can go home as quickly as possible! For the time being I am staying on the mainland of Belize until the weather dies down.

So, what am I doing in Belize you ask? Well, I am serving Jesus by serving the parish of San Pedro. I am living here with 3 other women who I went to school with. We have divided-up the work and are happy to have such wonderful community to work and pray. I am helping with the instruction of all the children who are to recieve their First Communion with the Catholic Church, teaching music lessons at the primary school (starting soon...), teaching the children and helping them to lead a Children's Mass every Sunday, and I will help to arrange retreats for the local teachers, teenagers, etc. I love what I do! I feel like God swept me off my feet from Europe and lovingly brought me to my first love. Thank you Jesus!

Although my time in Europe was a great learning experience, I am overjoyed to be back on this side of the world again! I also realize that I have made no updates since the mission to Albania and another mission in Germany in August. I am do apologize for this. The time in Albania was so eye-opening for me and the rest of our mission team. We were priveleged to work and live with the Missionaries of Charity (Religious Order of Mother Theresa). I have never in my life seen a group of people who work with such Joy in the most difficult and tiring circumstances. God's promises of Joy in Suffering was evident and embraced in their lives. I mainly helped to coordinate our kids camps in the poorer areas of Tirana. I learned how to make something out of nothing while putting on our first camp in a run-down Communist factory building where families have made their homes. We used old sheets and ropes to shade us from the hot sun and found ample opportunities to soak the children with water as often as possible! One day even involved taking these fiesty children to the beach...thank God no one drowned! What an experience! Thank you for your prayers.

As I conclude with today's blog, I ask that you please pray for the sweet children of San Pedro, for the protection of all who are in Hurrican alley, and for the Love of God to be in our minds and hearts! Thank you!


At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, Grandma Hazel is in Wichita Today and wishes you to have a happy day. It's Madrenes bitrhtday and she is blessed with good friends to take her out for adventures today. Keep up posted. Thank God you survived the stormy weather. Hope we all survive the other storms that come our way on our journey Home. Love Jerry and Grandma Hazel


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